Recent Queries

Below are some of the selected recent queries made by CodingFleet users. We only show queries of free users that do not include sensitive information and are useful to other users.

Title Result (Preview) Target Language/Framework Tool
Escape Velocity Calculator in Python ```python """ E... Python Python Code Generator
Linear Regression on Diabetes Dataset with Plotting - Python <span class='... Python Python Code Generator
K-means Clustering on Iris Dataset - Python <span class='... Python Python Code Generator
Python Script for Comprehensive Clickjacking Vulnerability Ch... Here's a Python... Python Python Code Generator
Roll Two Dice Until Double Sixes - Python Here is the Pyt... Python Python Code Generator
Splitting List into Equal Sums - Python ```python def s... Python Python Code Generator
Extract Frames from Video using Python Certainly! To e... Python Python Code Generator
Calculate Sum of Alternating Series in Python Certainly! Belo... Python Python Code Generator
Python: Function to Find Index in Array Certainly! Belo... Python Python Code Generator
Python Program to Check Rotate Pair Words Certainly! Belo... Python Python Code Generator
Count Substrings in Python Certainly! Belo... Python Python Code Generator
Count Positive, Negative, and Zero Numbers in a List using Fu... Here is a Pytho... Python Python Code Generator
Solving Differential Equation with Euler's Method in Python ```python """ S... Python Python Code Generator
Check if a Word is a Palindrome in JavaScript Certainly! Belo... Javascript Javascript Code Generator
JavaScript Program for Caesar Cipher Encryption and Decryptio... Certainly! Belo... Javascript Javascript Code Generator
Check if a Number is Prime using JavaScript Certainly! Belo... Javascript Javascript Code Generator
Convert JPG to PDF using Python ```python impo... Python Python Code Generator
Python Code for Menu-Driven Text Analysis Certainly! Belo... Python Python Code Generator
Print Digits from Text File - Python Certainly! Belo... Python Python Code Generator
Open Windows Apps with Python Script Sure, here is a... Python Python Code Generator