Recent Queries

Below are some of the selected recent queries made by CodingFleet users. We only show queries of free users that do not include sensitive information and are useful to other users.

Title Result (Preview) Target Language/Framework Tool
Python Tkinter Paint App with Color Picker, Eraser, and Clear... Below is a simp... Python Python Code Generator
Inserting a Specific Character Between Every Character of a S... ```python def ... Python Python Code Generator
Generating Prime Numbers using Python This Python cod... Python Python Code Assistant
Python Turtle: Draw Triangle Example ```python impor... Python Python Code Generator
Creating Check Buttons in Python with tkinter ```python impor... Python Python Code Generator
Check if a Number is a Square Number in Python Certainly! Belo... Python Python Code Generator
Print 2D List Elements Using Nested For Loops in Python ```python # Cre... Python Python Code Generator
Calculating Mean, Mode, and Median in Python ```python impor... Python Python Code Generator
Generate and Visualize Sample from Normal Distribution using ... ```python # Imp... Python Python Code Generator
Recursive Josephus Problem Solver in Python ```python def j... Python Python Code Generator
Python code for sum of squares function Here is the Pyt... Python Python Code Generator
Calculating Mean of Data in Python ```python def c... Python Python Code Generator
Matrix Addition in Python ```python def s... Python Python Code Generator
Linear Search in a List with Python ```python def ... Python Python Code Generator
Python Program to Display Words Separated by # from a Text Fi... ```python def d... Python Python Code Generator
Python Script to Rename Files in a Windows Folder Certainly! Belo... Python Python Code Generator
Check for Spy Numbers in Javascript Certainly! A sp... Javascript Javascript Code Generator
Checking for Spy Number in C++ Certainly! Belo... C++ C++ Code Generator
Check if a Number is a Spy Number with Python ```python def ... Python Python Code Generator
Search and Display Element Frequency in List with Python ```python def ... Python Python Code Generator