Recent Queries

Below are some of the selected recent queries made by CodingFleet users. We only show queries of free users that do not include sensitive information and are useful to other users.

Title Result (Preview) Target Language/Framework Tool
How to Make a Dice Game in Python Sure! Here's a ... Python Python Code Generator
Creating a Python Function to Generate a Song from Prime Numb... Sure! Here's a ... Python Python Code Generator
Calculate Days Between Two Dates in Python ```python from... Python Python Code Generator
Implementing Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange Algorithm in Python ```python impor... Python Python Code Generator
How to Compute the Area of a Triangle Using Python ```python def c... Python Python Code Generator
Creating a Python Script to Fill a Folder with Text Documents Here is a Pytho... Python Python Code Generator
Creating 10 Folders Named "test" on Desktop using Python ```python impor... Python Python Code Generator
Python Function to Generate 10 Quiz Questions with Answers Sure! Here's a ... Python Python Code Generator
Generate a Pyramid Pattern using Python ```python def g... Python Python Code Generator
Python Program: Run-Length Encoding ```python def r... Python Python Code Generator
Drawing a Square Using a Loop in Python ```python def ... Python Python Code Generator
How to Record and Replay Mouse Clicks in Python ```python impo... Python Python Code Generator
Creating a Future Calendar for the Next Years with Python ```python impo... Python Python Code Generator
Convert Height from Centimeters to Feet in Python ```python def ... Python Python Code Generator
Generating the Thue-Morse Sequence using Python ```python def ... Python Python Code Generator
Creating a Currency Converter in Python with Online and Offli... To create a cur... Python Python Code Generator
Splitting a Simple List in 2 in Python ```python def ... Python Python Code Generator
Checking Unique Values in a Python Dictionary ```python def c... Python Python Code Generator
Convert Time in Seconds to Hours, Minutes, and Seconds in Pyt... ```python def ... Python Python Code Generator
Creating an Endless Wave Animation with Python and Matplotlib Sure! Here's an... Python Python Code Generator