Recent Queries

Below are some of the selected recent queries made by CodingFleet users. We only show queries of free users that do not include sensitive information and are useful to other users.

Title Result (Preview) Target Language/Framework Tool
Python Code for Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access (NOMA) Simulat... Non-Orthogonal ... Python Python Code Generator
Python Function: Generate 256-Length Random HEX String Sure, here is a... Python Python Code Generator
Converting CSV to JSON using Python ```python impo... Python Python Code Generator
Combining Videos in a Folder with Python Sure! Here's a ... Python Python Code Generator
Counting the Occurrences of a Word in a Sentence using Python ```python def ... Python Python Code Generator
Check Password Strength in Python ```python def ... Python Python Code Generator
Python Script: Create a Window for Drawing with tkinter Sure! Here's a ... Python Python Code Generator
Detecting Language in a PDF File with Python To detect the l... Python Python Code Generator
Python Network Ping and Nmap Scanner ```python impor... Python Python Code Generator
Python Program: Multiplication Table Here is a simpl... Python Python Code Generator
Decode Microsoft Edge Cookies to JSON using Python Here's a Python... Python Python Code Generator
System-Wide Memory Usage on Windows OS in Python ```python impo... Python Python Code Generator
Virtual Keyboard Display App with Key Highlighting in Python Sure! Here's a ... Python Python Code Generator
Detect and Replace Images using Python ```python impor... Python Python Code Generator
Printing Triangles with Python Sure, here is a... Python Python Code Generator
Python Program: Maximum Heap (Insert, Delete, Display) Here is a Pytho... Python Python Code Generator
Monitoring Memory Usage By Process on Windows in Python ```python impo... Python Python Code Generator
Python Function: Read Text File ```python def r... Python Python Code Generator
Simple Python Code for Electronic Medical Information System ```python clas... Python Python Code Generator
How to Highlight a Word in a .docx File Using Python Here is a Pytho... Python Python Code Generator